
Fulfilling Life

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What does it mean to have a fulfilling life?

"Fulfilling Life"

What is the key to a rich and fulfilling life? There are people out there who live a fulfilling life with few worldly possessions. You mindlessly consume for the sake of consuming, but are the things you spend money on bringing you joy? So, what does it mean to have a fulfilling life?

Our Brand

Our Brand

Happiness stems from a strong connection with people, place, and nature. The meaning of the existence of FIL is to quest the ideal way of being of the people who are connected to the this brand. FIL is not only looking for the minimum ( = something less) but is seeking for the real meaning of prosperity in this period of consumerism and capitalism. We will spread the importance of this thought by appealing to the values of “fulfilling life” to the society and by expressing it ourselves.


About Minamioguni

FIL is in Minamioguni, Kumamoto prefecture, a town of 4,000 people which is famous for Kurokawa hot spring. Minamioguni is located on the north side of Aso where you can experience the rare sight of an active caldera. Needless to say tourism is prosperous in Aso with many visitors from inside and outside Japan, as well as forestry and agriculture.
Cedar trees planted by our ancestors turned into the Oguni Sugi brand after 250 years. The rich soil of Aso and extreme temperature difference produced beautiful coloration and shine. What can we do to share these blessings from nature which have been nurtured over such a long period of time? We started FIL activities utilizing various cutting-edge technologies and various viewpoints to deal with the woods to connect this asset to the future.
